Friday, September 28, 2007

JA Golf Classic

(Pictured: Pinnacle Golf Club the morning of the JA Golf Classic)
A fun time was had by least AFTER the 10-minute down pour of rain!

Twenty-six local companies sponsored teams at this year's JA Golf Classic. Golfers enjoyed the beautiful greens at Pinnacle Golf Club, as well as skills competitions, raffles, and a buffet dinner. The ABS Business Products team took first place, and the Lennox Industries team took second.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Preparing for JA BizTown

In less than a month, students will enter the doors of JA BizTown to assume the roles of workers and consumers. They will run a bank, manage retail stores, write checks, read utility meters, vote, and more! Click on the picture to learn more about the program.

Pictured are Junior Achievement IT Manager Brian Preston and Director of JA BizTown Cheryl Dritz. They, along with JA BizTown Curriculum Director Jan Bambach, have been working hard to install new computers and program software as well as manage construction and program implementation.